MEDEL’s conference in Berlin: „Independent judiciary in Poland and Europe? An analisys in the light of the recent Polish judicial reform”

On March 16th, MEDEL organised a conference at the Kammergericht, in Berlin, on the subject: „Independent judiciary in Poland and Europe? An analisys in the light of the recent Polish judicial reform”.

The goal of the conference was to discuss the implications of the Polish judicial reform for Polish judges and the rest of Europe.
MEDEL invited both researchers and practitioners as well as proven experts of the Polish judicial system to debate this topic:

  • Dr. Bernd Pickel ‑ President of the Kammergericht Berlin;
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Sanders ‑ M.Jur. (Oxford), Chair for Civic Law, Corporate Law, Law of Family-Owned Companies and Justice Research, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Law, expert for the European Council;
    Dr. Joanna Guttzeit (Berlin);
  • Grzegorz Borkowski Ph.D. – Judge and Head of the office of the Polish National Council of Justice Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa;
  • Grzegorz Szacoń – Member of the executive board of the Polish judges’association IUSTITIA).

The following day, March 17th, MEDEL has held its Council of Administration also in Berlin, Germany.
More than thirty delegates of the member associations were present, as well as representatives of the Judges Association from Montenegro and of the Polish Prosecutors association Lex Super Omnia, who are applying for membership.





Lex Super Omnia
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów "Lex Super Omnia" to polska organizacja, skupiająca niezależnych prokuratorów. Jej celem jest promowanie wartości niezależności prokuratury oraz utrzymanie standardów etycznych w służbie sprawiedliwości. W ostatnich latach stowarzyszenie aktywnie uczestniczyło w działaniach na rzecz niezależności prokuratury w Polsce, angażując się w inicjatywy wspierające akcję pomocy sędziom.