Warsaw, 2023 The Polish state has no prosecution services. Not in the formal sense, since the institution of the name obviously exists in our country and – judging by the highest number of prosecutors employed […]

Manifestations of the erosion of the law enforcement system – LSO Report on the Prosecution of hate crimes of the Polish prosecutor’s office in the years 2016 – 2022
Our study contains a summary of information on selected aspects of the practice of prosecutinghate crimes in Poland in 2016-2022 – that is, in the period when Zbigniew Ziobro is the ProsecutorGeneral, and the prosecutor’s […]

Opinia Stowarzyszenia Lex Super Omnia w sprawie rządowego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks postępowania karnego oraz ustawy Prawo o prokuraturze (druk sejmowy nr 2386)
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia po zapoznaniu się z proponowanymi w rządowym projekcie zmianami w ustawie z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks postępowania karnego oraz w ustawie z dnia 28 stycznia 2016 roku Prawo […]

Opinia Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia do projektu stawy o zmianie ustawy kodeks postępowania karnego oraz ustawy prawo o adwokaturze (druk 636)
Warszawa, dnia 15 marca 2022 roku Zapewnienie gwarancji budujących istotę prawa do obrony poprzez ochronę niezależności osób wykonujących zawód adwokata stanowi jeden z fundamentów uczciwego procesu karnego. Bezsprzecznie ochrona tajemnicy adwokackiej jest jedną z podstaw […]

Opinia Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia do projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – kodeks karny wykonawczy (druk nr 523)
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia w oparciu o lekturę przesłanego przez Komisję Ustawodawczą Senatu projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – kodeks karny wykonawczy (druk nr 523), a także po zapoznaniu się z treścią przygotowanego przez […]

Podziękowanie od koła naukowego prawa karnego „Temida”

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Lex Super Omnia Association of Prosecutors is carefully watching and analysing the reality of public prosecution as the institution intended to guard the rule of law, responsible for prosecuting crime, and […]

Podziękowania dla członków LSO za udział w Dniach Edukacji Prawniczej

Podziękowania dla prokuratorów z LSO za prowadzenie szkoleń dla członków organizacji studenckich

Podziękowania dla członków LSO za udział w konferencjach naukowych

Statement of the Board of the Lex Super Omnia Prosecutors’ Association of 18 January 2021 on the harassment of prosecutors
The Board of the „Lex Super Omnia” Prosecutors’ Association with great surprise and indignation received decisions of National Prosecutor of 15 January 2021, where it seconded selected prosecutors – members of „Lex Super Omnia” Prosecutors’ […]

Zarząd Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia informuje, że w raporcie „Królowie życia w prokuraturze dobrej zmiany” omyłkowo wskazano, że Pan Łukasz Kordylas, prokurator Prokuratury Okręgowej w Bydgoszczy uzyskał wyższy tytuł w trybie tzw. „nagrodowym” i że […]

Joint declaration of the associations of judges: Themis, Pro Familia, the Polish National Association of Administrative Court Judges and the Association of Prosecutors, Lex Super Omnia, of 9 July 2019 on the suppression of the criticism of the pseudo-reforms of the justice administration
In support of the protection of the freedom of speech, the principles of transparency of public life and the right of citizens to a professional and independent justice administration, we adamantly protest against the repressive […]

Open letter of the Lex Super Omnia Association of Prosecutors to the National Prosecutor on the harassment of Prosecutor Mariusz Krasoń
Warsaw, 6 July 2019 Mr. National Prosecutor The Lex Super Omnia Association of Prosecutors recently sent an open letter to the Polish Ombudsman. This time we are approaching you in the same form with regard to our […]

MEDEL statement on the new infringement procedure against Poland
On April 3rd, 2019, the European Commission decided to launch an infringement procedure regarding the new disciplinary regime for judges in Poland. MEDEL welcomes this decision, stressing that the mechanism of art. 258. TFUE is […]

Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” of January 26, 2019 regarding the obligation of the management board to send notifications – pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure or provisions on disciplinary liability of prosecutors – for acts involving abuse of power, persecution of prosecutors, members of the Association and the Lex super omnia Association of Prosecutors.
One of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by each democratic state is the right of association, which gives citizens the opportunity to unite within organizations or associations in order to present mutually acceptable ideas and views […]

Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” of January 26, 2019 on the use of the prosecutor’s office as a tool for political struggle
Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” states that the law on the public prosecution service, adopted on 28 January 2016 (Journal of Laws of 15 February 2016, item 177), which entered into force on 4 […]

Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” of January 26, 2019 regarding the financial situation of people holding public offices within the public prosecution service and other employees of the prosecutor’s offices
The Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” upholds the position expressed in the Executive Board’s resolutions of October 4, 2017 and December 12, 2018 and is increasingly worried about the lack of real actions by […]

The role of judges in the public debate on the rule of law
Judge’s duty and responsibility to engage in activities and to publically address issues concerning the Rule of law even when they fall outside of their judicial activities – discussions on the international conference on the subject „THE […]

Order of the Vice-President of the Court in Case C-619/18 R Commission v Poland
Poland must immediately suspend the application of the provisions of national legislation relating to the lowering of the retirement age for Supreme Court judges. The order of the Vice-President of the Court is to apply, […]