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Zapoznaj się z publikacjami dotyczącymi polskiej prokuratury. Konstruktywne analizy i spostrzeżenia na temat wymiaru sprawiedliwości w Polsce.

Warsaw, 2023  The Polish state has no prosecution services. Not in the formal sense, since the institution of the name obviously exists in our country and – judging by the highest number of prosecutors employed […]

18 sty 2024
5 min

Zarząd Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia informuje, że w raporcie „Królowie życia w prokuraturze dobrej zmiany” omyłkowo wskazano, że Pan Łukasz Kordylas, prokurator Prokuratury Okręgowej w Bydgoszczy uzyskał wyższy tytuł w trybie tzw. „nagrodowym” i że […]

03 paź 2019
1 min

In support of the protection of the freedom of speech, the principles of transparency of public life and the right of citizens to a professional and independent justice administration, we adamantly protest against the repressive […]

17 lip 2019
6 min

One of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by each democratic state is the right of association, which gives citizens the opportunity to unite within organizations or associations in order to present mutually acceptable ideas and views […]

09 lut 2019
8 min

The Association of Prosecutors „Lex super omnia” upholds the position expressed in the Executive Board’s resolutions of October 4, 2017 and December 12, 2018 and is increasingly worried about the lack of real actions by […]

09 lut 2019
5 min

Judge’s duty and responsibility to engage in activities and to publically address issues concerning the Rule of law even when they fall outside of their judicial activities – discussions on the international conference on the subject „THE […]

21 lis 2018
1 min